What We Do
Kitchen Table Cultures - we are in business to reclaim our health. Inspiring healthier families by bridging ancestral diets to modern living, Kitchen Table Cultures strengthens our community by bringing the family back to the kitchen table. We do this by honoring traditional diets, cultural wisdom, and age-old cooking practices, through foods lovingly prepared for today's consumer.

The foundation of KTC is nourishing, healing bone broth. Nutrient-dense, sustainably packaged, and sold directly to the wise and health-minded buyer, our ingredients are seasonal, local, and organic, wherever possible.
KTC recipes draw from a wide variety of traditional cultures that use cooking practices and food preservation techniques to optimize nutritional value and health. In addition to bone broths, our product line will soon feature everything for a healthy week of eating, including soups, stews, savory pies, cooked vegetables, and beverages.